Tibbalds are an experienced, award-winning team who bring together planning, urban design, architecture and communities to deliver people-and planet-friendly places. Our work and collaborative approach has been recognised through the ‘Consultancy of the Year’ Planning award in 2024.
We believe that good placemaking is the product of effective planning, policy, design and collaboration. Our expertise lies in these key areas, supported by a range of services, which we provide across the UK for clients in the public, private and third sectors.
Established by Francis Tibbalds in 1978 and now, as an employee-owned business, we have a longstanding reputation for delivering social value with an emphasis on sustainability, wellbeing and inclusion. Most importantly, we find joy in the opportunity for creativity.
Our experience ranges from initial feasibility through to implementation, and our work includes: masterplanning, urban design and guidance, regeneration, neighbourhood planning, town planning and public realm strategies. And whilst every project we deliver is unique, each is underpinned by the same rigorous strategic approach, grounded in solid professional practice and commercial awareness.
We are familiar with working for clients who are promoting development as well as for those who regulate it. We have particular expertise in advising public sector bodies on land disposal and development.
We listen to what’s needed – and we care.
Katja Stille, Director
Email: katja.stille@tibbalds.co.uk
Tel: 020 7089 2121