Hume Planning Consultancy
Alister Hume has over 30 years’ experience of the town planning profession and began Hume Planning in 2015. The company ethos is focused on a collaborative approach to problem solving, recognising this style of approach will most often lead to the best decision and place making solutions, notwithstanding the reality that stakeholders will often have differing objectives. The Practice focuses on providing independent and creative planning advice to a range of development partners predominantly in London and the South East region.
The planning system has experienced significant change in recent years. On occasion, this can result in a decision-making structure that focuses excessively on the processing of applications and does not recognise the need to focus on creative place making and the wider benefits of sustainable, well-designed development. The Practice seeks to highlight the positive benefits of quality development and facilitate investment with development partners in order to shape attractive well-functioning and resilient places that can be looked back upon with a sense of pride in years to come.
We co-ordinate multidisciplinary project teams and work closely alongside architects and urban designers in order to influence the project brief from an early stage. Our aspiration is to drive forward positive change in the planning process, applying energy and clear direction to projects in order to facilitate holistic solutions, which will ultimately help to enrich and transform the places in which we live.
Alister Hume, Director
Email: alister.hume@humeplanning.co.uk
Tel: 01304 806850