Booking Info
Booking now closed
Roundtable: Shaping development and delivering design quality through local planning policies, a question of prescription or flexibility?
The best developments are a result of collaboration between the public and private sectors; between local planning authorities and applicants. But what is the best foundation in terms of planning policy for that collaboration? It is a question of prescription or should policy provide for flexibility? At a time when growth is the priority, but not at any cost, how do local planning authorities get the balance right? And what is the perspective of the private sector on this question? Is the answer a prescriptive planning system that provides complete clarity for applicants, even setting the parameters of new development? If it is, how would the public sector resource the required briefs, masterplans and/or design codes? Or is there a balance to be struck, perhaps based on a ‘comply or explain’ system? Or does the solution lie in flexibility?
Richard Wilson, Planner and Urban Designer, London Borough of Camden
Jane Dann, Director, Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design
The roundtable will be chaired by D:SE Director, Chris Lamb and will use the Chatham House Rule.
Time and date: 9am – 12noon, Friday 23rd February 2018
Location: Maidstone Museum, St Faith’s Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1LH.
By invitation only to members of Kent Design.