Booking Info
Booking now closed
Roundtable: Delivering Net Zero Carbon in Kent & Medway – Progress and Barriers
Since 2019, most local authorities in Kent and Medway have declared a Climate Emergency and are working on strategies to achieve net zero carbon in the coming decades. At the same time, ambition for sustainable design within the private sector has been growing.
As the climate crisis intensifies, this Roundtable discussion will explore what progress on climate action has been made and what barriers need to be overcome to achieve net zero carbon and adapt to climate change in Kent. This is a chance for all those working towards a greener future to come together, share learnings and build connections.
It will be chaired by Chris Lamb, Director of Design South East, and feature a presentation/talk from a guest speaker. The Roundtable will use the Chatham House rule.
Date: Thursday 20 April 2023
Time: 08.45 – 10.30am
Venue: The Observatory, Castle Hill Dr, Ebbsfleet Valley, DA10 1EE
Our Roundtables have a limited number of places and are therefore by invitation only to Partner and Key Partner members of Kent Design.
For any queries regarding this event, email: kentdesign@designsoutheast.org