Meeting to shape our built environment

Booking Info

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Online Learning 2: Designing for people, bikes and cars

The design of places for people, bikes and cars has been viewed through the lens of the most prevalent crisis in recent years; the climate crisis.  The current pandemic has fast-tracked thinking around active travel and presented the opportunity to experiment with long-term approaches to designing for walking and cycling.  As we move towards a ‘new normal’ we explore conflicting approaches to the health agenda; will we enter a post-car era or return to the safe-haven of the germ-free car?

This introductory programme will include:

  • A live interactive webinar consisting of presentations and group discussions with expert speakers
  • A package of learning resources including further reading which can be studied in as much or as little depth as required (available in advance of the webinars)
  • A concluding live interactive webinar with presentations, Q&A and discussion

Learners can expect to:

  • Understand where we’ve come from – the guiding principles and policies which have underpinned the design of streets
  • Understand where we’re going – the principles and policies which are driving change in approaches to designing for active travel
  • Explore the long-term impact of Covid-19 on the future of car ownership and approaches to design for safe and sustainable travel for climate resilience and future health crises
  • Discuss the opportunities and constraints of design in a Kent context

Dates and timings:

  • 28 July – Programme resources available for flexible independent study in the Kent Design ‘Resource’ library
  • 30 July – Introductory webinar @ 09:15-11:15
  • 30 July – Follow-up online discussion @ 14:15-16:00

Delivered by:

Guest speakers and facilitators include:

Booking details:

This online learning programme is available to Kent Design member organisations.

In order to make the webinars more manageable we are limiting the number of participants. Bookings will be taken on a first come, first served basis with a maximum of 2 places per member organisation. However, there will be an opportunity for further delegates to view a recording of the webinar and participate in the independent study. So feel free to provide additional names beyond the 2 places per member and we will be in touch to let them know how they can participate.

Local authority members: please ensure all bookings are made through your key contact or KPOG representative who will be able to book places at this event on your behalf. If you do not know who that is email and we will let you know.

To book, please email the central Kent Design email address with the following details:

  • Name of delegate(s)
  • Organisation
  • Email address of delegate(s)
  • Confirmation the delegate(s) can access Zoom through a work or personal device

Online platforms:

Once you have successfully secured a place on this online learning programme you will receive a Zoom invitation to the webinars plus as password for the Kent Design Resource library.

We will be using Zoom as the online conferencing platform.  We appreciate there might be a small number of members who are unable to access Zoom, so please do let us know if you’re unable to participate and let us know which platform(s) you do have access to.  We will do our best to help you participate.

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