Booking Info
Booking now closed
Neighbourhood Planning Design Surgery
This is a special Kent Design event for parish councils, neighbourhood forums and anyone else involved in developing neighbourhood plans. We will be exploring how design and place-making objectives can be achieved through neighbourhood planning.
How can design make villages and towns more successful and enjoyable places to live? Can we ensure that new development is well connected, supports the village or town economy, has calm and convivial streets, and responds to local character? What design objectives is it legitimate to include in neighbourhood plans? How can we draft design policies so they are successfully enforced?
The day will include some short presentations but it will mainly be a chance for you to bring your draft plans, notes from consultations or just early ideas about neighbourhood plans and discuss them with our expert team and your fellow neighbourhood planners.
In this Masterclass, you will have:
- Been guided by leading practitioners to make the most of high quality design and local distinctiveness in your plans
- Worked directly on your neighbourhood plan’s development
- Learned from other neighbourhood plans in Kent and shared your learning
- Gained the knowledge of what makes successful places and what is good design
- Had some ideas on how to deliver your neighbourhood plans
Crit Rooms, Canterbury School of Architecture, University for the Creative Arts, New Dover Rd, Canterbury CT1 3AN
Time: 9am – 1pm
This event is free for Kent Design members within their membership package allocation. Members can book places by emailing
Booking information for non-members:
Places cost £95+Vat per person
The workshops will be offered at no additional cost but must be pre-booked by Wednesday 22nd February 2017