Meeting to shape our built environment

Booking Info

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Masterclass: Design Coding using the NMDC: Coding for Good Design

The revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2021) and National Model Design Code (NMDC) set out the importance of design codes and their expected use to help deliver high quality, successful and sustainable developments. The preparation and use of design codes is new for many local authorities and private sector planners/designers and there remains uncertainty about the process. What are design codes meant to achieve? What is the process to create a code? This Masterclass session brings together experts in practice to explore the NMDC, the design coding process and examples of successful codes. It will include a combination of presentations, Q&A and interactive sessions for attendees to gain hands-on experience in design coding.


  • Understand what a design code is and its role in creating successful places
  • Understand the process of developing a design code in line with the NMDC guidance
  • Recognise a best practice design coding case study
  • Experience a hands on process of de-coding and coding for design characteristics

Online Learning events are designed for public and private sector practitioners with limited or some knowledge and experience of the topic, and those who would like to refresh or build on their existing knowledge.

The Online Learning event will include:

  • live guest speaker presentations and Q&A
  • a live interactive workshop with activities and discussions
  • a members only resource library of ‘watch again’ content, presentations, key takeaways and further reading

Delivered by:

David Rudlin, Principal, Urbed
Clare San-Martin, Consultant, JTP
Garry Hall, Design Advisor, Design South East
Ross O’Ceallaigh, Programme Manager, Design South East

Key details:

Date: Tuesday 28th September 2021
Time: 9.30am – 1pm (Login opens from 09:15)
Format: Interactive online via Zoom

Booking details:

Kent Design member organisations: 

Bookings will be taken on a first come, first served basis. There will be an opportunity for further delegates  to view a recording of the webinar. 

Kent/Medway local authority members: Please ensure all bookings are made through your  key contact or KCPG representative  who will be able to book places at this event on your behalf. If you do not know who that is please email : and we will let you know. 

To book, please email the central Kent Design email address : with the following details: 

  • Name of delegate(s)
  • Role/Job title
  • Organisation 
  • Email address of delegate(s) 
  • Confirmation the delegate(s) can access Zoom through a work or personal device

Online platforms: 

We will be using Zoom as the online conferencing platform.  Prior to booking places please ensure you have a reliable internet connection and the latest version of Zoom. 

Once you have successfully secured a place on this online learning event you will receive a booking confirmation email. Further details of the event will be sent to confirmed delegates within 1 week prior to the event.ent Design Members also have access to the online resource library area where you will be able to download copies of presentations, any additional material for further reading, and a link to the webinar recording to share with your colleagues (within your organisation only). 

Non-Kent Design members:
There are a limited number of places available to non-members. The cost of individual places is £95+Vat pp. Please use the online booking button which will redirect you to the event booking page.



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