Booking Info
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Design Review & the NPPF Training
Design South East is pleased to announce the second in a series of topical Kent Design Training courses on 14 February 2014 – Design and the NPPF.
The overall objective of this course is to raise the profile and understanding of the role of Design in the Planning system, especially National Policy. This includes the tools identified within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) for helping attain good design.
Participants will learn more about the key role of design in the NPPF, the tools it identifies to help ensure quality places, and how, when, why they can be best used. Case studies and expert practitioners will illuminate the day with live examples and best practice guidance. Speakers on the include:
- Introduction and Overview: Robert Offord, Design South East
- Design Codes: Marcus Wilshere, IBI Taylor Young
- Design Review: Ben van Bruggen, vBUD
- Case study: the Marlowe Theatre, Keith Williams (Keith Williams Architects) Including a tour of the theatre buildings.
- National Planning Policy Guidance: Esther Kurland, Urban Design London
The course will be held at the Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury from 10:00am – 4pm on 14 February 2014. Lunch and refreshments will also be included for the day.
Members of Kent Design are invited to attend the event for free as one of the key benefits of membership. If you would like to find out more about how your organisation can become a member of Kent Design please contact