Meeting to shape our built environment

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The value of collaboration: an evening with Roger Madelin CBE

The value of collaboration; an evening with Roger Madelin CBE 

Greater collaboration between the public and private sectors is one of the principles of the Kent Planning Protocol. Yet the recent Edge Commission Report ‘Collaboration for Change’ reminded us of how the traditional silos still exist in education and in practice.

So join us for an early evening discussion and debate on the value of collaboration at the home of Sir Terry Farrell, Great Maytham Hall. We will be joined by Roger Madelin CBE, currently Head of Canada Water at British Land. Roger will be sharing his thoughts on the value of collaboration, drawing on the 10 years he spent delivering Argent’s 67 acre Kings Cross development.

After a brief update on Kent Design, Roger will then start the discussion. There will then be ample opportunity to network over drinks (on the terrace if the weather is on our side).

By invitation only.

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